ame attic #6: Bodies in-between 13.12.2021

ame attic#6: bodies in-between

An embodied listening meditation workshop, 4pm, Dai Hall, Huddersfield.

A performance installation. 7pm, 13 December, Dai Hall, Huddersfield.

…hear the body listen to itself… 

 …piano as an interstice between…distancing and abstracting concrete sounds like voices…transitions both within and between it and the environment…vignettes of poltergeist…such that control of the body is momentarily lost…giving to the room and the room is…genuine (mutated) body scan…

…listen to the body hear itself…

bodies in-between is created and presented by Ed Cooper, Kate Ledger, and Neil Luck across 6–12 December 2021 at Dai Hall, Huddersfield.



Kate Harrison-Ledger